CueTrack: A Self-Contained Performance System for Live Electronic Music
CueTrack is a self-contained performance system for live electronic music funded by the Social Sciences and Humanitarian Research Council (SSHRC) CGS-M Grant. CueTrack is designed to streamline the rehearsal and performance of new electronic music by using a responsive control interface that is programmed specifically for each music composition. The device controls prerecorded audio files, live manipulation, and the balance between electronics and the performer's microphone. In addition, the system does not require a laptop or external audio interface, minimizing setup time and promoting accessibility for musicians.
The first composition written for the CueTrack was"The Mountain that Moves"for Violin and Live Electronics. "The Mountain that Moves" centers on one of the largest natural disasters in Canadian history. On April 29, 1903 the eastern edge of a mining town, Frank, was buried by a massive rockslide that killed at least 90 people and extended into the Crowsnest Valley. Setting the scene with a western Canadian folk melody, a bustling town is eclipsed by an eerie calm. The humanizing folk tune decays into a guttural rhythmicity, embracing the heartbeat of the mountain as we move away from the town of Frank. Stirring in the shadow of the “Turtle Mountain”, we brace for the inevitable collapse of the cliff-side and the burial of the town. In its aftermath, we determine whether the spirit of this mining survives or if its tune has been sundered by the rock.

Adrian Irvine performing The Mountain that Moves on May 2, 2018

CueTrack during The Mountain that Moves